Massimo Somaglino

Massimo Somaglino is an actor, author and director.

The most significant stages of his long national theatrical militancy are: the work of actor for Elio De Capitani and the Teatro dell'Elfo in Milan, (1996 - 'I Turcs tal Friûl' by Pier Paolo Pasolini and recently "Otello" by Shakespeare , “Afghanistan” - 2016/17/18 and 'Moby Dick to the test' by Orson Welles - 2022) as well as the 2006/10 experience directed by Damiano Michieletto, Bepi Emiliani and Stefano Pagin for the Teatro Stabile del Veneto.

The partnership with Giuliana Musso for "Nati in casa" (of which he is also co-author), "Sexmachine" and "Tanti Saluti", produced by 'La Corte Ospitale' of Rubiera (RE) as well as the long personal research path is fundamental. around events and characters of Friulian history: "Zitto, Menocchio!" (1996), "Acqua, il sogno" (1998), “Cercivento” (2003), “Achtung banditi!” (2005), “Indemoniate” (2008), “Tre zovini” (2014), “Suite in forma di rosa" (2015), "Nini and Cecilia" (2019).

From 2018 to 2020 he was Artistic Director of the Udine Theater Club.

Since 2021 he is Artistic Director of the Teatri Stabil Furlan.

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