David Riondino

Born in Tuscany in 1952, David Riondino worked for ten years in Florence at the National Library. Artistically it was born with the generation of songwriters of the 1970s. Graduated in Musicology, DAMS of Florence. Between 1973 and 1979 in Florence he created with other artists the Victor Jara Collective. Initially conceived as a musical group linked to popular and "committed" repertoire, it turns into a theater production group. With the Victor Jara Collective he produced two discs, distributed by the October Circles: “Collettivo Victor Jara” and “Non vi mettete a Spingere”. His first album with a national label is DAVID RIONDINO, in 1978, for L’Ultima Spiaggia, label of Nanni Ricordi. Followed by the tour of Fabrizio De André and PFM, in 1978/79, which Riondino opens for the entire duration of the tour. He signed a contract with RCA, and the production of the BOULEVARD record, arranged by Shapiro. Produced by Renzo Fantini and distributed by the Tango magazine directed by Staino, to which he collaborates, the record "TANGO DEI MIRACOLI" is released in newsstands with illustrations by Milo Manara. This will be followed by "RACCONTI PICARESCHI per CGD” (1989), which collects the songs written for his theater performances, “NON SVEGLIATE L'AMORE” (1991), which reelaborates the biblical books of Ecclesiastes and Canticle into song, with covers by Andrea Patience and Milo Manara. And again “TEMPORALE” (1994) and “QUANDO VENGONO LE BALLERINE” (1995). Accompanied by a book for Donzelli, the album "The cantata of the immobile shepherds" co-authored with Stefano Bollani. In 1981 Davide the song "Maracaibo", sung by Lu Colombo and many other performers (Raffaella Carrà, Jerry Calà), which has a long history in Italian contemporary pop music. He participated to the Sanremo Festival with Sabina Guzzanti with the song "Too much sun" (1995). He won the Tenco award for best song with LA BALLATA DEL SI E DEL NO in 1992. However, theater remains his main focus. His theatrical activity starts from the "Romanzo Picaresco" (1989) to the experience with Paolo Rossi in "Chiamatemi Kowalski" and “La commedia da due lire” (1990), to continue with “Paesaggi dopo la battaglia” (1991), “Seminario sulla verità” (1992), “O patria mia ” (1993/94) directed by Giuseppe Bertolucci with the participation of Sabina Guzzanti, Paolo Bessegato and Antonio Catania; “Solo con un piazzato bianco” (1996) recital by and with David Riondino, “Peter Uncino”, with Milva on a text by Michele Serra, “Dante Novecento” with Sandro Lombardi, directed by Federico Tiezzi. The latest plays created by Riondino increasingly represent the choice of a theater mixing the genres of poetry, satire, along with more or less known classical texts and live music (also performed with bands or groups of jazz or classical instrumentalists). He has also participated in several creative projects for publishing, television and radio, and has been the artistic director of several projects and festivals throughout Italy.
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